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Law Of Cause Effect
“God does not play dice with the universe.” ~ Albert Einstein The universal law of cause and effect states that nothing happens by...

Creating an Excel Dashboard Widget
Creating a dashboard in Excel can be quite simple –it’s really just a matter of downloading the right data and some easy formatting...

Dynamic Dashboard
What Is a Dashboard? Dashboards track KPIs, metrics, and other data points in one visual, central place. They give you a high-level view...

Prinsip Hidrostatis dalam Mengukur Level Air
Sifat Dasar Fluida Untuk memahami prinsip kerja dan proses pengkuran level air dengan tekanan/secara hidrostatis terlebih dahulu perlu...

Baume Degrees, Specific Gravity & Brine Concentration
Skala Baume Skala Baume adalah skala hydrometer yang dikembangkan oleh Antoine Baume pada tahun 1768 untuk mengukur kepadatan dari...
Apa Itu Sabun Sabun adalah bahan yang digunakan untuk mencuci, baik pakaian, perabotan, badan, dan lain-lain yang terbuat dari campuran...

Hazzard & Risk
learn and earn new knowledge every day This is about Hazzard and Risk as a material for me to learn and share, from several sources....

SFG Flow Process
Help you to know about flow process of PZC semi finish good. Click here

Employee Engagement
What is Employee Engagement? Employee engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all members of an...
Leader’s Style and an Organization’s Culture
Leaders are instrumental in creating and changing an organization’s culture. There is a direct correspondence between the leader’s style...
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