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Law Of Cause Effect

“God does not play dice with the universe.” ~ Albert Einstein

The universal law of cause and effect states that nothing happens by chance. If chance were a phenomenon, our universe would be plummeted into chaos. The natural laws that govern our universe keep everything in order. So in terms of this specific law, every effect has a root cause, or a chain of causes, and happens according to universal law. Often things are a series of causes and effects, rather than just one basis and result. It is a continuum, and it is all linked. An event does not create another event, rather it is all linked in a kind of orderly flow stemming from “the creative energy of The All.”

The great Sir Isaac Newton once said: "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction." ​This universal law which is backed up by science, states that every action has a reaction.

There is a consequence for everything. You reap what you sew, whether that be positive or negative in nature. This law really explains the fundamentals of synchronicity! Whenever you believe that something has happened by ‘chance’ or is just a coincidence, then you are mistaken. There is always a cause, you just might not have recognized it. Causes and effects can also be evident in our lives through our mental thoughts, beliefs and feelings. For example, you will not get the money you need for a new pair of shoes if you do not feel that you deserve it. You won’t lose weight if you are always telling yourself how fat you are. Think just how this principle of the law of cause and effect is evident in your own life! It shows just how your thoughts and belief system is so important, and a crucial part in manifestation.

The principles behind the law of cause and effect are very deep and profound, allowing us to see life not as a set of random occurrences, but rather as a predictable formula of conscious free choice that can be molded and shaped to create the life we would like to experience and enjoy on a daily basis.



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